The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84026   Message #1548415
Posted By: George Papavgeris
24-Aug-05 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clarke unveils deportation rules
Subject: RE: BS: Clarke unveils deportation rules
I have no problem with any country seeking to protect itself from those who try to infiltrate it from outside with malicious intent.

But do these rules pass the "Mandela Test"? In other words, if those rules existed in the UK 20 years ago, would they have resulted in the deportation back to South Africa of Mandela supporters and dissidents against apartheid? If they would have resulted in such deportations, then they don't pass the test and are inadequate. At first read, it seems to me that the proposed rules are hard to implement fairly, and easy to abuse.

But worst of all, they don't address what we now know to be the real problem: Home-grown terrorism. Because where would you deport a British subject, born and raised in this country albeit possibly of "foreign" parentage? No country will accept them, because they are born British.