The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83916   Message #1548442
Posted By: The Shambles
24-Aug-05 - 07:39 AM
Thread Name: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
Subject: RE: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
The way you rip into Joe, I can't blame the Clones for wanting annonimity.

I do not agree with Joe's views and he does not agree with mine. If we were posting equally - that would be fine.

Even though we are not now posting as equals and he (and anonymous others) has shown he has the power to and is more than willing to impose his words upon mine - I do not make abusive personal attacks upon him - call him names and encourage others to do this or respond in kind to those Joe Offer makes on me.

I do not do this to the known volunteer fellow posters (and their supporters) who also make similar public personal attacks and use foul language to do it - so why would making known to our forum - the names of our anonymous volunteer fellow posters place them at any more risk from me (or anyone else)?

But the issue of volunteer fellow posters who may wish to remain anonymous is rather crucial to the refusal by Joe Offer - of my rather simple request - that any proposed change to a poster's words - be first made in request to the thread's originator. For it is a fact that there is no way that an anonymous fellow volunteer could send a PM to a poster (who did use their name) - and remain anonymous.

I suggest the protection of this annonimity - rather than all the other attempted jusifications - is why this simple request is rejected - out of hand - by my volunteer fellow poster.

These anonymous ones do not need your sympathy or any protection from me - for they have the power not only to 'rip into us' but to impose their judgement upon our words - as and when they wish.

Always assuming of course - Le Scaramouche - that you are one of these anonymous ones?

It is also a fact that those who would impose their words upon an orginator's thread title because they may judge the originator has not made it clear or judge it wanting in some way - are not quite so limited. As the lenghth of title they can impose can be longer - as the volunteer fellow poster will be able to use more characters than are available to the originator. A fact that I think makes imposing this judgement even more needlessly unfair and contentious.