The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84008   Message #1548712
Posted By: PoppaGator
24-Aug-05 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
PoppaGator, do you think the US has a right to interfere with the governments of other countries in order to secure access to oil?

Sorry not to have responded sooner ~ there are two current htrreads on this topic, and I didn't remember the (rather generic) title of this one.

No, of course I do not think the US (or any nation-state) necessarily has a right to interfere with other governments. However, most nations have done so at various times, by waging war.

Anyone who understands the message of Jesus Christ the way I do believes that it is wrong to kill people for any reason, certainly not for any political/ideological/economic reason. Sadly, however, far too few of us share that understanding. Most members of established Christian religions (including the leadership) seem to believe that mass murder is perfectly OK when mandated by the secular ruling class.

As I tried to make clear earlier, I almost always find myself in disagreement with Pat Robertson, and certainly disagree with his choice of targets in this instance. HOWEVER: in a situation where political/economic "reality" seems to mandate that violence be perpetrated towards some deisred end, a "surgial" strike against one or two overprivileged individuals seems to me to be infinitely preferable to the mobilization of thousands of young recruits to commit widespread mayhem against the lives and property of an entire rival nation.

It is beyond me that the destruction of multiple lives and acres of property (i.e., people's homes and workplaces) is somehow more acceptable than the assassination of an "enemy" ruler or two. If you believe in anyone getting killed over money and politics, that is...