The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16550   Message #154917
Posted By: paddymac
28-Dec-99 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: I'm outta here
Subject: RE: BS: I'm outta here
Truth be known, Kendall has picked the ideal time of year for camping in the north Florida woods. Given a good freeze before he arrives, there'll be very few skeeters, chiggers, no-see-ums, yellow flies, deer flies or ticks. Do keep an eye out for fire ants, however. Though even they tend to be a bit lethargic this time of year. Same is true for snakes. Cleigh's kin, 'coons and skunks tend to be very accustomed to people in camps and will commonly walk right up to you after dark looking for a handout. Just don't make any sudden moves, especially if there're skunks about. If you should happen to have a less than fulfilling encounter with a skunk, the only two remedies I know of that usually work well at getting rid of the stink are tomato juice and ordinary 3% hydrogen peroxide. The fire ants can be far more serious, even fatal, if you happen to be one of those who are acutely allergic to them. The best way to deal with them around your campsite is to pour hot tap water on the mound. Mix in a few drops of dish soap for good measure. Do not use boiling water as that will kill plant roots and the like. Hot tap water (110-120 degrees F) will do in the ants without killing plant roots. And, please, don't be spraying pesticides around the place. It tends to wind up in the water. Don't worry about gators. They're still licking their wounds in the Swamp. (they lost the big intra-state grudge match a month ago):)

Rereading the above, I guess it could be a bit of a downer, but it's not meant that way at all. The park folks normally do a very good job of minimizing such things. So come planning to relax and enjoy our part of the world.

I'll catch up w/ harpy and moonchild and we'll come invade your campsite sometime.