The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1549209
Posted By: The Shambles
25-Aug-05 - 05:05 AM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
I certainly do not consider that I, or any other user of this site can be called a customer - that suggests that I have given some sort of consideration for the priviledge of using the site, which is not the case. Therefore I have no right to dictate the way in which the site owner chooses to allow the site to be run by his appointees.

I doubt that Max would be silly enough to allow our anonymous volunteer fellow posters to run his entire site for him. But the word 'customer' still seems about right for our forum - judging from Max's words on how he sees our forum.

For unlike some of our volunteer fellow posters - even customers will accept they have certain responsibilities to go with their right to see their words remain as posted on our forum. However, I can see why certain of our volunteer fellow posters would not like the idea of their role only to be seen to be serving the needs of their fellow posters - but seem to see it now as judging and dictating what they will 'allow' these fellow posters to have on the part of Max's site that he has generously set aside for contributions from the public.

Perhaps an analogy with a hospital where the patients now feel them selves perfectly qualified to impose major surgury upon their fellow patients as and when it suits them - would better describe our present situation? It would result in a similar amount of needless bleeding......and possibly eventual death from this blood loss?