The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16536   Message #154930
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
28-Dec-99 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern (Some Number, Who Knows?)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern (Some Number, Who Knows?)
Holy rusted tanktraps and exploding bangoleers,PT! I can't believe you'd set poor little bikini-clad Alice down in the middle of Omaha Beach... Saving Private Flynn indeed!"Look out,Hans! Zey are using zee most powerful zecret veapon in zer arsenal...a half-naked voman from Montana! Vot is next? A giant Union Organizer in a thong?!?"

Catspaw,can you not keep that possum from eating everybody's peanuts? He's got a practically full bowl of crickets over in the corner. I swear, if that varmint wasn't a Holy Mudcat Icon I'd kick his little musical butt outta here.

Somebody give me a hand with these Millennium Eve decorations. Oh, and RTS... we'll need a couple trucks of Guinness and Jello in case the grid goes down.