The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84049   Message #1549429
Posted By: Peter T.
25-Aug-05 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sexiest movie role ever!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Sexiest movie role ever!!!
I don't even like Angelina Jolie, but even I must admit that she makes an astounding Lara Croft.

For sheer dripping sexuality, no one has ever come close to Marilyn Monroe, probably in "Bus Stop". In "Some Like It Hot" she is like some being from another planet come to grace us with sex. The closest I can think of is the dance scene in Picnic with Kim Novak, or (as already noted) Kathleen Turner in Body Heat. For really old movies, I think Carole Lombard was the most stunning -- one watches Mr. and Mrs. Smith (the original) or My Man Godfrey as if beaten with a sledge hammer.


Peter T.