The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83916   Message #1549451
Posted By: The Shambles
25-Aug-05 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
Subject: RE: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
In summation, I believe that positive vibrations can be sent in any number of ways. Purposeful thread drift can be one of those ways.

Of course it is another one of these things that if you were rude enough insist on doing to a conversation outside of the skewed world that our forum looks to be fast becomming - and based on the assumptions and personal judgements displayed in your justification summary - you would likely to expect a punch on the nose.

A fear of such possible positive vibration being sent to one's nose - that would normally tend to disuade us from such public displays of rudeness.

Jerry said.

If there is someone other than Shambles who claims that a title was changed without consultation, I'd like to see them post in this thread.

So they too can be subject to the abusive personal attacks - name-calling - foul language and general insulting comments and public conversations about them that we see here? Not really very likely is it?

Jerry - Are you saying that this special treatment is reserved for me only? And if so - despite the rather hollow claims by them for impartiality - this special imposition by our anonymous volunteer fellow posters on the three of my thread titles detailed and supposedly imposed only for 'clarifcation' in isolation - is perfectly acceptable and not personally motivated?

If you think such imposition (for clarity only) is acceptable on my threads titles alone - why would anyone expect you (or anyone else) to view imposition upon their thread titles any differently?