The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83916   Message #1550064
Posted By: The Shambles
26-Aug-05 - 05:10 AM
Thread Name: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
Subject: RE: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
But sometimes-as in the case of this thread, I change the subject on purpose-usually to add something of interest to me that hopefully also will be of interest to others.

Azzi - If the subject of the thread does not interest you or you think you have read enough of it - the simple option of course would be to ignore this thread. Or start a new one on the subject that you may think to be of more interest to others (or use the thread that I created for that purpose). For you could also create a specific title for your new thread - that would make it clear to all our readers that they could find conversation on this subject in that thread. It would also avoid any imposed change for 'clarification' that may be the case if any 'unauthorised' conversations are taking place within threads that have no bearing on their title.

Natural thread drift has always been one of the real joys of our forum. To make clumsy attempts to intentionally do this - or to follow like a sheep - the poor example of more experienced fellow posters who really should know better and should perhaps be setting a more positive example - is not so joyous but simply being rude and trying to justify such displays of bad manners.

The use of such basic good manners and consideration for our fellow posters used to be encouraged on our forum. When you start your 'spelling' thread or one for talking about our star signs - I am sure that many posters will see the informative thread title you have given to it and contrubute to it. I for one will respect your wishes for this thread and not post to ignore the subject of the thread and its title or make any attempt to intentionally change the subject to one that I may think to be of more interest than these exciting subjects.

Is there a star sign for sheep - the sign of the blind follower?

I don't think that there is any need on our forum to needlesly bring attention to the different star signs of our forum's posters. *Smiles*

On a more serious note - perhaps though you do have something that may help. How about our forum despensing with individual thread titles altogether and having one big generic thread - one that could ramble and drift whereever it wished?

I suspect the mere thought of such heresy will cause certain of our volunteer fellow posters to have a seizure .........