The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83865   Message #1550075
Posted By: Wolfgang
26-Aug-05 - 05:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to the Palestinians.
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to the Palestinians.
My my, Carol, your debating style doesn't help your position.

- You make sweeping generalisations without any foundation (Many people seem to be under the impression that only Muslims treat women badly. I have not read a single post yet taking this position. Would you consider it fair to read something like that about you?)

- you make assumptions about motives (your burning hatred of Muslims)

- you stereotype and lump together in a way you would criticise if someone else did it (to whatever extent you, Wolfgang, and others would use human rights for women as a basis for your position on this issue)

I provide a link I consider interesting in this discussion just to restore a bit the balance in this discussion and you start stereotyping and lumping together very different Mudcatters who may share nothing more than that they do not always agree with you.
