The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1550085
Posted By: The Shambles
26-Aug-05 - 05:49 AM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Joe Offer says – in a conventional post – presumably his own personal view as a fellow poster.
Shambles: No, volunteers may not change thread titles without permission. The thread title is the creative effort of the thread originator, and must not be changed without prior permission from the thread originator.

No – this words are yours Joe - not mine and in this form it is a demand – the original request was as follows and is not one that is without support from other posters - including a fellow volunteer.

It is interesting when terms like 'must not' are used by Joe Offer. Are the use of or even the perception of such terms really proportionate on a public discussion forum like this?

Subject: In the UK..............?
From: GUEST,The Shambles - PM
Date: 21 Jul 05 - 07:24 AM

Perhaps whether the words 'UK' appear in a thread title or not can be left to the thread's originator - rather than be imposed by some anonymous volunteer - with time on their hands and nothing better to do?

Or is it now done automatically? I was amazed to see 'UK' added to a recent thread - a matter of minutes after the thread's creation and before anyone had a chance to respond.

Can the wishes of the origination be respected and any change to a thread's title only be undertaken with their knowledge and permission?

Thank you.


Subject: RE: In the UK..............?
From: folkman - PM
Date: 21 Jul 05 - 04:39 PM

I agree with you Mr Shambles.

Subject: RE: In the UK..............?
From: Bert - PM
Date: 21 Jul 05 - 09:11 PM

Well said Shambles. The thread title should NEVER be changed without the consent of the originator.

Subject: RE: In the UK..............?
From: GUEST,khandu - PM
Date: 24 Jul 05 - 10:39 AM

I am with The Shambles on this one.

A couple of years back, I created a thread regarding a certain troll. Within moments, Pene Azul pmed me and explained that he believed this thread would probably do far more harm than good and requested permission to delete it.

Certainly, he could have deleted it without bothering to ask. But Jeff showed more class than that.

The simple act of contacting me beforehand made all the difference in the world. I told him to delete it and I felt rather good about it all.

Had he or anyone else deleted it without contact, I would have been pissed and would have posted a grumbling thread about it.

Simple decency goes a long way.

Change my thread titles? Sure, if you believe there is a good reason. But show some civility and respect to the creator of the thread by sending a simple PM.
