The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83865   Message #1550338
Posted By: CarolC
26-Aug-05 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to the Palestinians.
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to the Palestinians.
-You make sweeping generalisations without any foundation (Many people seem to be under the impression that only Muslims treat women badly. I have not read a single post yet taking this position. Would you consider it fair to read something like that about you?)

I see we have a language problem again, Wolfgang.

Look up (in an English dictionary) the word, "seem" (hint, this means, in the context in which I used it, "gives the impression of", and yes, there have been quite a few people even here in the Mudcat who have given me this impression).

- you make assumptions about motives (your burning hatred of Muslims)

And so do you, Wolfgang. Quite frequently, in fact. Consider practicing what you preach.

- you stereotype and lump together in a way you would criticise if someone else did it (to whatever extent you, Wolfgang, and others would use human rights for women as a basis for your position on this issue)

Language again... try to find a definition of the phrase "to whatever extent", and "would". (Hint - when put together, these words do not stereotype or make any assumptions. When used in this way, the phrase ensures that the thing being discussed is only applied to people who do the thing being discussed. If you don't, for instance, use human rights for women as a basis for your position on that issue, by virtue of that phrase, "to the extent that", and "would", my words do not apply to you.

I recommend becoming much more proficient in the English language before making these kinds of criticisms.

I provide a link I consider interesting in this discussion just to restore a bit the balance in this discussion and you start stereotyping and lumping together very different Mudcatters who may share nothing more than that they do not always agree with you

I have shown that because of your misinterpretation of my words, this statement by you is incorrect, and is, in fact, an example of exactly the sort of thing you are criticizing me for in your second point (making assumptions about motives). I await your apology.