The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1550408
Posted By: catspaw49
26-Aug-05 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
I find it amusing that you consider the FAQ a "considerable document" when your own postings on the subject are likely to equal the combined word count of War and Peace AND Dr.Zhivago. You seem to think that Max has plenty of time to read your pulpy drivel of no redeeming social value and yet has not had time to read the FAQ on his own site. LMAO.....Actually I'm not.......I'm laughing directly at you Sham as you are a laughable ass. You lower the status of "Dork" to a new nadir. Just thinking of you gives me a chuckle.

I'd love to see your cut and paste files! Say, does the rest of your life work this way? I imagine your wife.............Ya' know really I can't imagine your wife at all. I have a good imagination but that's just too bizarre even for me.

I bet you have actually beaten a dead horse haven't you? Not just as a figure of speech.......I mean you have actually beaten a dead horse. Was there anyone around to take pictures at the time?
