The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16543   Message #155046
Posted By: InOBU
28-Dec-99 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: Bobby Sands
Subject: RE: Bobby Sands
Hi Rick:
I apreciate your responce. I offer that it cuts to the problem with alowing our governments to redifine terms like terrorism. In point of fact, the IRA has never blown up civilian aircraft, and only has fired on military aircraft (army helicopters) Yes, someone did blow up the TWA airplane over Scotland, and other than the fact that we both are members of the same human race, there is no other way to place the volunteers of the IRA in the same catigigory as the bombers of TWA. The doctor you mention was killed, most likely by right wing terrorists, not by a left wing resistance movement, however, the killer was, I admit, likely human, and thus in that same catigory as you, I and the IRA. I and all the volunteers in the IRA I know agree with you as to the danger of fundimentalism. This is why, unlike many Peoples Armies, the IRA does not have political comisars. In fact, one cannot hold a commission in the IRA and be a member of Sinn Fien, to make a barrier between the army and political processes. The IRA fought to bring about a democratic invironment in which political change may happen, not be inforced. The reality, if not the folly of this (though I do endorce the separation) is the rise of the Irish Reppublican Yuppie, who are forgetting the workers movement which gave rise to the resistence against english colonialism, and are looking to make Ireland a perfect environment for wage slavery. None of us old hard liners are going to shoot anyone over that either, because in this new time of peace, we have great hopes for a political enviroment of change. But when you get your news from agencies saturated with interferece from British Inteligence, well, I forgive you not knowing the differece between the IRA and terrorist groups.
Do aske what terrorist killed Carol Anne Kelly,Livingston, and all the other children murdered by men in English uniforms, shot point blank and killed in retaliation for armed resistance.
Cry murder cry murder for thats all it was
They shot young O Hagan with out any cause
Accept that if you were not there, you dont know.
Thouse of us who saw with our own eyes... know
Peace and justice