The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1550534
Posted By: wysiwyg
26-Aug-05 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Would it be fair to say that most posters who were posting here at the time would credit Joe Offer with the creation of the FAQ? Or would that look just too much like some form of agreement between us - on something?

I don't think so.

1. I recall a number of discussions about what ought to go into it and how it ought to work. Joe did compile a lot of the help-text because he was the one who had been writing answers to people's repeated questions in the Help Forum-- he had great familiarity with what the Freq. Asked Q's actually were, and he had gotten good at answering them concisely and accurately so that people understood them. Some things needed to be made clearer, and lo! The community asked that their desires be met, and lo! Joe worked with ongoing community input to make it so

2. I also recall-- and the FAQ of today reflects it-- that in its infancy, people posted in it things like, "Shouldn't we have this" or "that"? And lo! Joe took their contributions and sorted them into the whole and lo! Thus even today people contribute to the FAQ. And lo! In the fullness of time there also was a Tech Tips thread fashioned similarly.

3. I recall that after it got posted in draft form, lo! Some people wanted the FAQ easier to navigate, and lo! So it was made.

4. Some people wanted a Site Index, and as the permathreads developed, lo! There WAS a site index/permathread index made as requested and lo! It grew as people contributed to it.
