The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83916   Message #1550906
Posted By: The Shambles
27-Aug-05 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
Subject: RE: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
Janie said

Very recently Joe changed the prefix of the Sally Walker thread from my Lyric Add to Origin cuz that is what the thread had sequed to. He PM'd me after the fact. It was nice of him to take the time to pm me, but absolutely unneccessary. Even more recently, a post of mine was deleted from another thread. Apparently both the insult I was reacting to and the responses of myself and others were all deleted.

So what?

I did not disagree with either of those decisions, but if I had--so what? Joe et. al. are willing to take the time and effort to help maintain this site. Max has chosen to delegate to them. It is their call to make. Whether I agree or disagree is immaterial.

I think that it has to do with when you started posting on our forum and your expectations. If you only see poor treatment and the dregs you will only expect poor treatment and the dregs – you may then be quite happy to be given poor treatment and the dregs.

It is sad that others who have experienced the vintage wine are only prepared to serve you the dregs.

It is also sad that these individuals feel that they are now in a position to deny you the vintage wine and can choose to serve you only the dregs.

Sad also that the expectations of so many posters have been lowered to the point where they are prepared to think themselves grateful to be served only the dregs or rather to have the dregs imposed upon them.