The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1550952
Posted By: The Shambles
27-Aug-05 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complain
Joe Offer said – presumably just as a fellow poster but using still using the word 'we'- in a conventional post that did refresh the thread.

Shambles, if anybody has any wish to locate altered thread titles, I'll send them to you. You've very good at identifying them, so why should we bother?

Well I think our anonymous volunteer fellow posters should be bothered – because they obviously can be bothered to impose nit-picking changes on the thread titles of selected targets – allegedly for reasons of clarity only. So it is only fair that our anonymous volunteer fellow posters can be seen to be given the credit for their imposed and improved titles and for the bother they may have taken. Or prepared to take the blame for them - if these impositions do not prove not to be an improvement.

Our forum has a thread creation screen where it implies that the title of the thread is a choice of the originator and where it quite clearly states - that the choice of using a prefix is optional.

Common Prefix (optional) Thread Title (please be specific)

The above is now dishonest when Joe Offer states (again presumably just as a fellow poster but using still using the word 'we'- in a conventional post that did refresh the thread)?

Learn to live with it. We change thread titles because we want to change thread titles, and because most people seem to appreciate it. You say changing thread titles is offensive to the creator of a thread - but this is so only because you assert it to be so. Changing a thread title is not a power thing or suppression or censorship or anything like that. It's just indexing threads so people can find information in them. We're not intentionally offending anyone - we're just doing something you don't want us to do. You are offended because you have chosen to be offended, because you have chosen to make an issue out of thread indexing. That's all. it's not a big deal, Roger. Get over it

Is doing what - our anonymous volunteer fellow posters - now 'want' – more important than any other consideration on our forum? And is what they now 'want' to do - a consideration that now supersedes what our forum's thread creation screen instructs new posters to be the case?

Can I formally request that either the thread creation screen is changed to make it quite clear that the use of a prefix is not optional (for the thread's originator) – or that any proposed change o a thread's title - and certainly the intended imposition of any prefix by our anonymous volunteer fellow posters - is only undertaken with the originator's knowledge or permission?
Well, Shambles, I guess I have to say that the answer to your request, as before, is "no." The use of a prefix IS optional for the thread originator. If a prefix or additional information is needed for clarity, it will be added by a volunteer, so not to worry. It's one of the many wonderful services provided to you by your friendly Mudcat volunteers.
You are hereby informed, so there's no need to be startled next time you witness this wonderful, generous, selfless act of service.
Next time you create a thread, remember the above statement. Since nobody else seems to care, there's no reason to put it on the thread creation screen. Most people just don't care to see all that verbiage. You, on the other hand, are obsessed with verbiage. Sorry, but we have no interest in catering to your obsessions. Most people who have a question simply ask, and don't require us to post caveats about every possible thing that might cause them displeasure. But for your benefit, here goes:

Personal Caution to Shambles:
There are some aspects of Mudcat and its management
which may cause you occasional, mild displeasure.

Some decisions made at Mudcat may not meet your personal specifications.
Use Mudcat at your own risk!

There, I think that covers everything. If you like, you can print this warning up on a little red card and carry it around in your pocket. Better safe than sorry, you know.
-Joe Offer-