The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1551358
Posted By: The Shambles
28-Aug-05 - 02:09 AM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complain
You may have missed the follow - for this was inserted into an existing post by fellow poster - Joe Offer as an editing comment and did not refresh this thread.

Well, Shambles, I guess I have to say that the answer to your request, as before, is "no." The use of a prefix IS optional for the thread originator. If a prefix or additional information is needed for clarity, it will be added by a volunteer, so not to worry. It's one of the many wonderful services provided to you by your friendly Mudcat volunteers.

You are hereby informed, so there's no need to be startled next time you witness this wonderful, generous, selfless act of service.
Next time you create a thread, remember the above statement. Since nobody else seems to care, there's no reason to put it on the thread creation screen. Most people just don't care to see all that verbiage. You, on the other hand, are obsessed with verbiage. Sorry, but we have no interest in catering to your obsessions. Most people who have a question simply ask, and don't require us to post caveats about every possible thing that might cause them displeasure. But for your benefit, here goes

:Personal Caution to Shambles:
There are some aspects of Mudcat and its management
which may cause you occasional, mild displeasure.

Some decisions made at Mudcat may not meet your personal specifications.
Use Mudcat at your own risk!
There, I think that covers everything. If you like, you can print this warning up on a little red card and carry it around in your pocket. Better safe than sorry, you know.
-Joe Offer-

Before anyones junps in - I had already made the same request in a personal message to the Mudcat's owner Max. I am still awiting an answer.

Warnings from one poster to their fellow posters - should perhaps been seen in that light?

:Personal Caution to Joe Offer and anonymous volunteer fellow posters:

There are some aspects of the contributions of your fellow posters - invited to our forum - by Max the site's owner - which may cause you occasional, mild displeasure.

Some views inivited to our forum by Max the site's owner - may not meet your personal specifications.

Accept that you have no control over the views and words of your fellow posters and allow our forum to continue to be shaped by these contribution and not by your imposed personal specifications.