The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16550   Message #155284
Posted By: JedMarum
29-Dec-99 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: I'm outta here
Subject: RE: BS: I'm outta here
kendall -

Several years ago I visited my parents at their camp in Denmark Maine (Sebago Lake area for you out-of-staters) one July 4rth weekend with my youngest son, Trevor. We had just arrived from Texas and stopped in at the corner store for bread, milk and an out-of-state fishing license. The game warden had a small table set-up just outside of Jim-Bobs Variety Store where he was selling Kiwanis Club raffle tickets. Trevor and I stopped by the table, bought a ticket or two, and chatted with the well kept old timer for a few minutes. When I remarked on the beauty of the day, a summer day so lovely - hot, dry pine scented breeze, clear blue sky - a summer day as only I've seen in Maine, one which we never see in Texas. I said, "Isn't it a beautiful day?" The game warden answered me in his dry dead pan, Maine accented way. He said, "Ahyup! We got two seasons up hee-uh; wintah and the fooorth of July!"

that story somehow feels appropriate to this thread!