The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84178   Message #1553156
Posted By: Compton
30-Aug-05 - 08:51 PM
Thread Name: Towersey 05 - Thoughts Of A First Timer
Subject: RE: Towersey 05 - Thoughts Of A First Timer
Just a small observation. I was in the area so went for day saturday. I paid the reasonable £4.00 entrance money and went to see the Dance Display. As I had paid at the gate...and only wanted to see the display, why was I asked to show my Gate Ticket/..Most curious behaviour. Sadly apart from the appalation clog and Great western morris I saw nothing there that set my heart pounding. Mostly the dance displays were very underwhelming. Who checks them out and books them....and what on earth was the American Mime Artist doing in the main arena. Perhaps I should have stayed local and done Bridgnorth!