The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84083   Message #1553274
Posted By: rich-joy
31-Aug-05 - 02:43 AM
Thread Name: What If There was no audience?
Subject: RE: What If There was no audience?
Nice thread - some good stuff! Thanks for starting it, Jerry!

This quote (the subject of a recent thread) has a place here too :

" The paintings, poetry and music
Are all merely water drawn from the well of mankind
And must be returned to him in a cup of beauty
So that he may drink
And in drinking, come to know himself. "

Federico GarcĂ­a Lorca (1898-1936).
Born in Fuente Vaqueros, best known for his powerful dramatic tragedies, which deal with elemental themes in a striking fashion (Chambers Biographical Dictionary).

... and surely we can draw (not too long) a bow to that quantum physics idea in here too - where something comes into existence only upon being observed???
: sorry if that's way-off beam, this stuff was never my strong suite!! :~))

Cheers! R-J