The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84273   Message #1554996
Posted By: GUEST,BB
02-Sep-05 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: Jeff Warner's New CD now available
Subject: Jeff Warner's New CD now available
At last! Jeff Warner has thought about, worked on, recorded, and ultimately had printed/pressed a new solo recording. It's called Jolly Tinker, and is out on his own new label, Gumstump Records. Delivery was just yesterday, here in Portsmouth, NH, so I encourage all interested parties, and all curious parties, too, to visit his website and check out the information there.

Though Jeff is working as a solo performer these days, and it's technically a solo album, he's hauled out the New England talent for this one. Assisting on fiddle is Rodney Miller, of Airdance, and on mandolin and bouzouki, David Surrette, of the same band. Bob Webb joins on some banjo duets (now THERE'S excitement!) and McCann duet concertina. Jacqueline Schwab, who is so well-known from her work with Ken Burns, plays piano on two cuts. Jeff's good friends Bruce MacIntyre and Barbara Benn (me) help out on harmony vocals, and the title track, recorded in 1993, has on it both Jeff Davis and Micah Solomon of Oasis Duplication.

Links below. In brief, go to the website (, click on Sounds to hear little 30-45 sec. mp3s of some of the new songs, or click on Sales to see the cover art and read a small blurb about the album. All his other available work is there, too.

At the sales page, under the album blurb is a link to all the song lyrics in that album. So you can see there what the songs are.
At the bottom of the sales page is a link to the order form, if you want to mail that in.

Currently, this new CD is only available through Jeff, in person, or via the website. He's getting a PayPal account, so in a couple of weeks, he will be able to take orders from countries other than the US, but right now, it's US$ only.

So, start sending in your hard-earned ducats, because "with a wife and 16 half-starved kids" (see Baldheaded End of the Broom), Jeff can really use the cash!

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to connect to the other thread running right now, about Jeff's UK visits.

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to get to his website.