The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84277   Message #1555205
Posted By: GUEST,Dale
02-Sep-05 - 09:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: State Universities Doing Their Part
Subject: RE: BS: State Universities Doing Their Part
According to a report I read, The University Of Arkansas was the first to respond with concrete offers of help. This much is for sure: The state's 11 public universities announced Wednesday that they will grant waivers for tuition and fees to Arkansas residents who intended to enroll at several New Orleans-area campuses.

Students from other states who were registered at the qualifying campuses including Dillard University, Loyola University-New Orleans, Our Lady of the Holy Cross College, Southern University at New Orleans, Tulane University, University of New Orleans and Xavier University of Louisiana will receive regular in-state tuition rates for the fall semester at Arkansas universities.
~~ from The Arkansas Democrat Gazette.

Various non-public colleges in Arkansas are offering similar similar helping hands as well.

Numerous public school districts are already accepting high school and elementary students with no paper work and are basically prepared to educate them for free, including free breakfast and lunch.