The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84277 Message #1555264
Posted By: PoppaGator
03-Sep-05 - 02:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: State Universities Doing Their Part
Subject: RE: BS: State Universities Doing Their Part
Southern Illinois Univesity in Carbondale ~ very close to Paducah KY where I've spent the last couple of days ~ is providing a similar deal.
My son Mike just enrolled as a full-time student at the University of New Orleans. We don't think he'll be able to take advantage of any of these offers because the timing is just too difficult; we're still moving around the country, not settled anywhere.
His girlfriend is an employee of Whole Foods Market (the currently-underwater Metairie, LA, location), and her company is providing four weeks paid leave plus a guaranteed job at another store. She somehow managed to get a guaranted job for Mike, too, if they find a location that'll make room for both of them together. Their first choice was Austin TX but it looks like Plano (Dallas suburb) will be more likely to accommodate them.
He has already investigated the possibility of "instant transfer" from his hurricane-zone school to UT at Austin, but the offer is only good for "Texas residents." Well, he may well become a Texas resident soon, but he's not one now.
UT Arlington would probably work great if he moves to Plano or environs, but there's no way he'll be there in time to start this semester. Wonder if it'll work for next semester.?
Then there's the issue of the payments already made to UNO and the loans he has already signed for. One more complication in starting lives over...