The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84322   Message #1556031
Posted By: Bobert
04-Sep-05 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
This is from the real mississippitom.Bobert just left this morning to go back home.We had a great time and recorded some really great stuff.All I have to do now is get my other musicians in here and finish it.We all know how that can be.I will get em though on that one can be certain.I had never heard Bob play before he came here.The man is a virtuoso for sure and a reuly good man.

I am looking for more good artists that have something worhwile to record.I charge nothing for my time.My aim is to get more good independent artists music out to the public.The start of this effort is to record it and at the same time get music from those that have already been recorded.I am with the help of whomever I can find that is like minded going to laucnch a Independent artist Blues Radio Station on the Internet.The format will be unlike anything out there now.It will be engauging informative and all about the music,the artists singing and playing it and it's roots and influences.
The clear channel mentality is to hit the 18 to 35 age group.Why I do not understand when the majority of us in this wonderful country are Baby Boomers and as a group,we love the Blues but are unable to hear it in any quantity in any market.Blues is my thrust in recording but I am also looking for people that have other types of music as well.
If you are interested or know someone that is,I can be reached most easily at
In the words of the first white Blues singer (Elvis)who was born just down the road from whjere I live.Thank you Thank you Very much.tom please excuse any misspells!