The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84341   Message #1556121
Posted By: GUEST
04-Sep-05 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: the only send money syndrome
Subject: RE: BS: the only send money syndrome
Well, just to let y'all in on a VERY BIG FEMA/Homeland Security cupla secrets:

1) After four years of swimming in all our disaster tax dollars, a national database of first responders DOES NOT EXIST!!! Remember that old tune about how all that Homeland Security stuff was going to the heroes of 9/11? Nope. Nada. Not at all. My nephew, the paramedic, has been "waiting on standby" in KC waiting since Thursday for FEMA to get back to them...

2) Yer man in charge over there at FEMAgate, Michael Brown. Now what do you suppose his qualifications are? Well, it seems he's a horse trade from FLORIDAY no less, who was close friends with Bushie Boy's 2000 campaign manager who originally got the plum job to head up FEMA as his share of the political spoils. He went on to greener pastures, and left his horsey set dubya buddy in charge.

So how much experience in this deeeeessaaaaasssster managing does Mr. Horse Face Brown posess?

Zero. Zip. Zilch. Zed.

Keep voting Republican, folks. This is the government you get AFTER TAX CUTS.