The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84253   Message #1556252
Posted By: SharonA
04-Sep-05 - 09:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Genocide in New Orleans
Subject: RE: BS: Genocide in New Orleans
Yes, indeed... for Terry Schiavo. That one hits close to home: I live near the town where she attended high school. The Schiavo story has been in the local news here for years and years, and I'm well aware of his middle-of-the-night maneuvering. Yup, yup, yup, he loves to play the "right to life" card when it comes to the unborn and those in a permanent vegetative state, but for those anywhere in between (babies starving from post-flood lack of formula, young adults sent off to fight his war, people going off to Canada to get affordable medications), genocide appears to be an option...