The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16599 Message #155647
Posted By: Pete Peterson
30-Dec-99 - 10:41 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Two Good Arms (Charlie King)
Subject: RE: two good arms?
The song is in Rise Up Singing and since I'm posting from work I can't remember the author except that he's written some other good ones.(sure it's NOT Woody, who Did write "italian red wine") What makes it remarkable is that he wrote it using Vanzetti's speech to the judge,( following the rhetorical question "Have you any reason why the sentence of death should not be passed upon you?" ) as a prose poem. When my daughter got interested in the case she found a book which had a photocopy of the page in the receipt book where Vanzetti the fish peddler sold eels to the wholesaler at a time and place that made it impossible to be committing a robbery in Dedham. Nuts. When she said "but why wouldn't they listen" I didn't have an answer and still dont.