The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84322   Message #1557101
Posted By: Sidewalk Bob
05-Sep-05 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
Subject: RE: BS: mississippitom/Bobert confusion
Well, well, well...

Here I am back in Mudville... Somehow, whilst I was down in Mississippi Joe Offer 'n Max got together and stole my identity... Sho nuff did...

Heck, I don't blame them much since Iz had been knowed to lite a stink bomb 'er 3 'round here...

Yeah, I come back 'round 'n they say I don't exist.. Heck, I ain't got 'nuff energy to argue successfully that I do so I figgures that the only thing I could do was put on my ol' Grocho Marks glasses and 'stach an' sneak the heak back in...

Which, apparently I have done, but I had to reregister as "Sidewalk Bob" (heh heh, I know that would fool 'um??)...

But here I is and before I they chase me down and throwed e out agin, I figured that I'd go on record of sayin' that I likes both Joe and Max... They both is some fine fellers... Sho nuff would like to have my PM's back 'cause I gotta a lottta addresses in them that I needs..

Sho nuff would like to be Bobert again...

Feel like I'm in a Twilight episode...

Nopw I reckon I know how folks feel when they had they identy stoled up...

Sidewalk Bob, alias Bobert