The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84391   Message #1557110
Posted By: Sidewalk Bob
05-Sep-05 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert Kidnapped....
Subject: BS: Bobert Kidnapped....
So, I go off to Mississippi to do some recordin' and I return and guess what?

I don't exist in Mudville... Like I was never here... Like a bad Twilight Zone episode...

Yeah, I thought I saw Max and Joe talkin' quietly in the corner when they knew I was off to Mississippi an' so they figgurated they'd made their move while I was gone...

Took all me PM's, Took my name and buried in some X-File vault in Navada... Sniff. them PM's had lotta addresses in 'um that I'd sho nuff like to have back...

BTW, this din't come at a good time in my life since I've been havin' those arguements with myself lately over existence v. non-existence but that ain't what this is about...

I just want be me again... I don't wanta go thru the rest of my life in Mudville as "Sidewalk Bob"... Hey, don't get me wrong, here... I likes "Sidewalk Bob" jus' fine... He's a fine bluesman and purdy sexy but....

.... Pleeeeze, Joe an' Max..... Pleeeeze, sniff, can I be me again... I'll be gooder than las' time... You'll see... I'll never say nuthin' about when Mudcat goes down... I won't let off no more stink bombs an' run... No, I won't... I promise with the all that is Holy that I'll try to be gooder... You'll see... Won't have to put me in the corner wid no pointy hat... I'll be a model citizen... I promise... I'll help ol' ladies cross the streets... I'll say my prayersa ebery nite...

Jus' wanta be me again... Don't want to start over...

Pleeeeeeeeeeze.... Let Bobert outta the box...

Free Bobert!!!!

Free Bobert!!!!

Sidewalk Bob (bobert inside)