The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84390   Message #1557119
Posted By: GUEST
05-Sep-05 - 10:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: One Triumph Over Bureaucracy!
Well, it is so hard to get a handle on what is happening on the ground now. They may go into a situation where thousands are still coming through the LSU triage, or a trickle (though they have been assured, they haven't seen any trickles so far). Also, we don't know if they will be stationed at the hospital, flying in and out of the hospital to medical evacuation sites in the city or what.

A lot of nursing homes and hospitals are still being evacuated I guess, and the folks coming in now are much more ill than the majority of the people who came through last week.

Also, the situation with the paramedics is different than the doctors and nurses on the ground at the triage unit, who stay put. Paramedics are often assigned here, there and everywhere there is a need. They will be there at least a week, possibly as long as a month.

We had other great news today. My sister-in-law is now exhausted and home at the Mother House in Philly. My nephew has surfaced in Biloxi. He chose not to be evacuated with the other recruits (he just started training a couple weeks before the hurricane) from Keesler in Biloxi. He is staying to help with base and community clean up duty. Apparently, there isn't much left of the base.

So, what more can you ask for after a disaster like this? Our loved ones have made it through so far, and a couple of them are choosing to volunteer with the aftermath.

Which reminds me, all of you can find out from your state hospital associations (hopefully) if paramedic units have been sent from your states, and you can help fundraise for them. For instance, my nephew & his wife won't be paid by their employer while they are gone. But even those who are, paramedics don't make near what doctors and nurses make (especially the ones just beginning their careers). So you can do local fundraising for your state's emergency medical response team to go down there.

Also, there is a national fund set up in the wake of 9/11 for the survivors of paramedics who died. The fund is still active, and donations for this disaster will go to aid the local paramedics in the disaster region who lost their homes, jobs, etc. I'll post the info on where donations can be sent later, if people are interested in seeing their donations go straight to the folks on the front line.