The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84217   Message #1557120
Posted By: Sidewalk Bob
05-Sep-05 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Black looters, white finders
Subject: RE: BS: Black looters, white finders
Yeah, the Bush PR/Big Corpoarte Media have control of the story an' so what we are gettin' is nuthin' but Karl "Mad Scientist" Rove's view of what is happenin' in New Orleans...

You ever wonder why when the story breaks, it's Rove 'n his corporate bed-buddies who control the story??? Then we get the retraction on page A-17 when their lies are exposed???

Hey, I ain't sayin' that some TV's weren't stolen... TV's are stolen in every major city every friggin' night of the year... Like big whup... But Rove, knowin' that his "boy" (Bush) was in deep manure brillently decided that the reason that his "boy" was in deep manure was because of some kid in New Orleans who has grown up like an caged animal in a housing project stole a TV??????

Like, ahhhhhhy, what am I missin' here??? Yeah, it was Rove who played the "race card" and he played it real early!!!!

I can here the conversation now:

Rove to one of his ABC/NBC/FOX/CBS buddies: "Get me some pictures of some black kids taking TV's..."

This makes me sick!!! No, make that sicker than sick...

Bottom line, Bush screwed the heck up while intent on redisributin' wealth from the working and poor folks to his corporate bnuddies and has now been caught (again) and Karl Rove is pullion' every lever in the cab tryin' to get the train to slow down...

Here's hopin' that train got a mi9nd of it's own...

Time for the Bush/Cheney/Rove regime to go down...

Sidewalk Bob, alias Bobert