The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83503   Message #1557549
Posted By: GUEST
06-Sep-05 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are Muslims Rubbish?
Subject: RE: BS: Are Muslims Rubbish?
Sorry you're all wrong; it was nowt to do with realign and all that god stuff
Ill tell you what happened in London
Four Leeds lads decided to go on the lash down there for the weekend by train. As usual the train was late and the catering car was knackered. So when they got off the train at kings cross they decided to go across the road to the chip shop, for fish, chips a carton of curry and because they were really hungry a spring roll.
This then cost them 7 quid each. The shock of fish and chips drove them to the pub next door, and they were then stung for a further £3.20 per pint (piss).
I can tell you after working in that hole for 8 months or so, shop fitting banks, beauty salons e.c.t.I was suicidal as well