The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84374   Message #1558125
Posted By: Sidewalk Bob
06-Sep-05 - 09:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rush Limbaugh blames Katrina's victims
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh blames Katrina's victims
Hey, I din't want to sign in at Rush's joint, especially since kinda meetin him at a truch stop in Mississipppi a couple days ago... We was in the men's room and he was sittin' right next to me with jus' think meatl screen wall between his toilet an' mine and this is how the conversation went:

Rush: Howdy, neighbor. Did ya' hear about them folks lootin' down in New Orleans?

Bobert: Yeah.

Rush: Yeah, them folks ain't much more than savages... Did ya hear that they had stolen a bunch of M-16's and we shooting at doctors??

Bobert: Yeah.

Rush: And now them liberal Democarts are trying to blame the President for not doing enough. Hey, ther Preasident was doing everything in his power but it was that mayor of New Orleans who I underestand was the problem. Did ya' hear that?

Bobert: Yeah.

Rush: And what makes folks think that the governemnt is responsible to help anyone anyway. I believe in personal responsibility. By the way, neigbor, seems like the tiolet paper has run out in this toilet, Can ya pass me some under the divider, friend?

Bobert: Sorry, maybe you should have checked it out before hand. You know... personal responsibilitry... Have a nice day...

Sidewalk Bob(ert)