The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84432   Message #1558371
Posted By: kendall
07-Sep-05 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death Sentence For Stealing Damaged TV
Subject: RE: BS: Death Sentence For Stealing Damaged TV
An eye for an eye means just that. It does NOT mean a life for a friggin' tv set!
Has anyone noticed that the worst presidents have all been republicans?
  1. Harding (Teapot Dome scandal and total incompetent)
  2. Useless S. Grant (Too many crooks to name)
  3. Nixon and Agnew (Nuff said)
  4. Reagan - lies and more lies, Iran-Contra, Arms for hostages) trillions added to the debt after his promise to balance the budget, in 8 years he never even SUBMITTED a balanced budget)
  5. And now, Alfred E Newman picking guitar while New Orleans disappears in the flood he could have prevented if he hadn't slashed funding for levee repairs.
Is America asleep, or has she been drugged?