The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84374   Message #1558398
Posted By: Greg F.
07-Sep-05 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rush Limbaugh blames Katrina's victims
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh blames Katrina's victims
People just aren't believing the Bush machine spin this time.

Oh, yes they are- and not only are they believing it, they're embracing it.

Maybe a few less folks are completely clueless in the face of Bush's latest cock-up & the BuShite whitewash, but the U.S. is still in Iraq "Defending Freedon"[sic], they still believe there was some connection between Iraq & the Twin Towers attack, they still think 'No Child's Left Behind' and the "Patriot Act" wonderful pieces of legislation, that there's a "Social Security Crisis", that the U.S. is fighting-and winning- the "War On Terror" that there's no such thing as global warming, etc. etc. etc.

Your optimism in the face of the massive brain death of the U.S. electorate is a bit premature.

Problem with the Bushites is they just hate truth.