The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84316   Message #1558916
Posted By: GUEST,Robin Madge
08-Sep-05 - 07:24 AM
Thread Name: wanted- a maypole
Subject: Lyr Add: THE FIRST OF MAY
People seem to be thinking that a Maypole will be large and fixed to the ground. The Lancashire Maypoles were quite often only about 6 feet long and carried by one person whilst the others dance around. Consider the words from the song written by, I think, Steve Heap?


My Granny said the other night, "Next Monday is the day
To mark the ending of the old, it is the first of May."
"Now what's so special." we all cried, "Do we get a day off school ?
Do we go for a bike ride down our lane, or a trip to the swimming pool ?"
Well Granny sat us quietly down and opened her book to read.
"You kids are losing heritage to spaceships, telly and speed.
If only for one minute a day you'd just sit down and try
To think about the days of old. Don't let tradition die."

CH. Like Easter eggs and Bonfire Night and Christmas and New Year,
Our Maypole means so much to us, so give us a rousing cheer.

"When I was younger and lived at home, my brothers and sisters and me
Would work for hours through April showers with ribbons and paint, you see.
All the colours we could find and trim them up so neat
That when the first of May came round we'd the best pole in our street.
The morning of the first of May was special to us all.
We'd dance around the Maypole and on our friends we'd call.
We'd knock on doors and sing our songs with garlands and banners and chains,
And pick up the pennies that folks threw down to drive off the April rains."

Her words put new life in our blood, we'd two days left to go.
Johnny found a wooden pole and painted it for show,
And Susie cut the ribbons up, and Gran taught us the song,
And when the first of May came round we'd do it, right or wrong.
We danced 'til nine o'clock that morn and then set off for school.
We told the teachers what we'd done and I felt a proper fool,
But they were very pleased with us and we showed the class the way
To dance around the Maypole and welcome in the May.

Recorded from the Radio presentation " Sticks and Bells". by Steve Heap?

This pre-dates the Mayday holiday obviously, the show went out on Radio 2 in 1982.

Robin Madge