The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16597   Message #155896
Posted By: Mary in Kentucky
30-Dec-99 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: Your occupation vs. your music style
Subject: RE: Your occupation vs. your music style
Helen--I think you're on the right track with the Myers-Briggs Personality type as opposed to occupation as related to musical tastes. In one of my downsizing/outplacement sessions, there were eight of us, seven chemists or chemical managers and one salesman...BUT we were all the same (or close to it) Myers-Briggs type! The salesman was considered one of us, if you know what I mean. From what I've studied of right brain/left brain...that seems to be a subcategory within the Myers-Briggs. As best I understand it, music, poetry and art are right brain activities. (grossly oversimplified) I really hate any kind of classification or stereotyping, but the Myers-Briggs sure does lend insight into understanding people. In our session we concluded that opposites (I forget the MB types that are opposites) are always married to each other! I had a good link to an online MB test, but for some reason tonight it just won't connect. here 'tis
