The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84374   Message #1559046
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
08-Sep-05 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rush Limbaugh blames Katrina's victims
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh blames Katrina's victims
Ron- as of this morning- the team of dumb and dumber (Nagin and Blanco) still can't agree on the evacuations.   Nagin wants a mandatory evacuation, Blanco refuses.    They give the 3 stooges a bad name. And yes- if you read the Wall Street Journal editorial today you will find a piece describing the idiocy and downright incompetence of Blanco and Nagin.

Meanwhile, we pump the toxic water into Lake Poncetrain.   Doesn't that concern anybody else?   it concerns me.   I guess they don't have a choice.

There are many people to blame (both republicans and democrats) for the levee situation which was made in the 1960's and approved by every president, and elected official since.   Harry Reid recently toured the levee's and pronounced them fine. (before the hurricane) Environmentalists were only one small part of the levee's not being improved- a small part but a part.

You don't insult me by calling me a Bushite.   I have no problem with that just as I believe you should have no problem with me calling you an Ossamaite.   You should be as proud of your leader as I am of mine.

Jack- Hopefully you can open your mind and look at the facts.   The evacuation plan for the city was not followed by Nagin.   No public transportation was used for poor people (white and black) Blanco refused to turn over the national guard to the feds or bring in the national guard before the huricane.   This decision was responisble for thousands of deaths.   Bush was 24 hours late- no excuse for that either. He listened to Chernoff who was clueless.   One of Bush's faults is loyalty to his people.   To put the blame only on Bush is completely ignorant and irresponsible.