The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84459   Message #1559145
Posted By: Don Firth
08-Sep-05 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
Subject: RE: BS: Karl Rove v. Hillary on Katrina...
Bobert, it occurred to me when I read your question, "Anyone, other than me ever wonder how it is that the Bush folks can get one bad thing off the frontpage by doing something even worse???" that although the Bush administration didn't cause hurricane Katrina (not that if they hadn't cut the funds for levee improvement and such--but that's another matter), with all the news focussed on New Orleans, we seem to have lost track of the progress of the Iraqis in agreeing on and ratifying a constitution.

Within the past week or so, I haven't heard word one about how that's coming, if at all. Nor have I heard anything at all about what's going on in Iraq.

Jus' curious.

Don Firth