The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84374   Message #1559205
Posted By: CarolC
08-Sep-05 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rush Limbaugh blames Katrina's victims
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh blames Katrina's victims
And this straw man from Larry K...

Blanco refused to turn over the national guard to the feds

It wasn't necessary for Blanco to turn over the Louisiana National Guard to the feds in order for the troops from other states that she requested to come in and help out. The Pentagon did eventually send in troops from other states. Blanco requested them prior to the storm. It is the fault of the federal government that the troops she requested were not sent.

And this quite spectacular lie...

Blanco refused to...bring in the national guard before the huricane

From the National Guard's own website...

"More than 6,200 Army and Air National Guard troops were on duty in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida the Monday that Katrina struck with 145-mph winds and blinding rain that, the Associated Press reported, submerged entire New Orleans neighborhoods up to the rooflines and peeled away part of the Superdome.

Two hundred Louisiana troops assisted civilian authorities by conducting security and screening missions at the Superdome where a Guard spokesman reported that more than 10,000 people sought shelter the Sunday night before the storm struck early Monday morning."