The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84420   Message #1559554
Posted By: Splott Man
09-Sep-05 - 03:42 AM
Thread Name: Happy 25th Birthday, Llantrisant Folk Club
Subject: RE: Happy 25th Birthday, Llantrisant Folk Club
Thanks to everyone who turned up, we broke the room record - I made it 78 bods! Commiserations to those who turned up but decided it was too crowded to stay. It was great to see so many faces from the past.
To enlarge on Dr Price's comments.
We had 31 fine floor spots from 39 people, and there were at least seven others who could have "given us one" as Pat puts it, but declined. Amongst those present were Ian Woods, Jon Heslop (both Life Presidents of the club), Anne Lister, and Graham Metcalfe, plus founder members Mick Tems, Pat Smith and Stuart Brown. Roy Harris was among the apologies for absence.
We had a delicious cake made by Miskin Man and Eyelander (photo to be posted in due course), and there were toasts to the club and to absent friends. There were lots of old photos and Pat kept us entertained with items from the first year's account book; for instance, our first guest was Bob Davenport who cost £30 including train fare from Newcastle!
Everyone paid the 30p admission (the original price) and signed a souvenir club poster which will go in the archive.

Resident Jim Bartlett composed this tribute for the night - the Hole with the (Royal) Mint is a nickname for the town.

The Hole With The Mint
Tune & Lyrics by Jim Bartlett

Well it's twenty-five years since your songs were first sung,
Since your tunes were first played, since your life first begun.
In The New Inn, Llantrisant, a folk club was born,
But you've known many homes since that first natal dawn.

Chorus:        Though you've had many homes through your twenty-five year stint;
                You will always be the folk club of The Hole With The Mint.

When old landlords move on and a new broom sweeps clean,
Often out goes your folk club; new dreamer, new dreams!
In The Bear and The Cross Keys, two spells did you dwell,
When you hosted your members and your guests as well.

Chorus:        Though you've had many homes through your twenty-five year stint;
                You will always be the folk club of The Hole With The Mint.

There are two other pubs where your home has once been
All before you arrived by yur in Pontyclun;
First, the old Ivor Arms, then on to The Brunel,
Now your home for your birthday's The Windsor Hotel!

Chorus:        Though you've had many homes through your twenty-five year stint;
                You will always be the folk club of The Hole With The Mint.

Welcome all who perform and the audience too
From our dulcet-toned Pat; she is screaming at you
That, if you win the wine, e'er the prize pass your lips -
On your back, in the dark, enjoy with fish and chips!

Chorus:        Though you've had many homes through your twenty-five year stint;
                You will always be the folk club of The Hole With The Mint.

Finale:        Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!
                Happy Birthday Llantrisant Folk Club! Happy Birthday to you!
                Penblwydd Hapus i ti! Penblwydd Hapus i ti!
                Penblwydd Hapus i Clwb Gwerin Llantrisant! Penblwydd Hapus i ti!

Pat concluded by inviting everyone to the 50th Birthday party which will be held in a nursing home somewhere in the vicinity.

Hwyl Fawr

Oh, and did any of you leave a fluffy pink jumper at the back of the room?

Splott Man