The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3178   Message #15598
Posted By: AndyG
31-Oct-97 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: Songs about Bloody Gore -- But Just For Laughs
Subject: RE: Bloody Gore -- But Just For Laughs

The version I learned goes:

The Battle Cry of Freedom

The boy stood on the railwy track
The engine gave a squeal
Shouting out the Battle Cry of Freedom
The driver took an oily rag
and wiped him off the wheel.
Shouting out the Battle Cry of Freedom

And it's Hurrah! for Mary
Hurrah! for the Lamb
Hurrah! for the little boy
Who didn't care a little bit
And everywhere that Mary went
The Lamb was sure to go
Shouting out the Battle Cry of Freedom

When the kitchen boiler burst
Father merely sat and cursed
Shouting out the Battle Cry of Freedom
Whilst mother with a show of feeling
Scraped the housmaid off the ceiling
Shouting out the Battle Cry of Freedom

Mummy what's that in the road
That looks like strawberry jam
Shouting out the Battle Cry of Freedom
Hush that's just your Father
Been Run over by a tram.
Shouting out the Battle Cry of Freedom

Billy in his brand new sashes
Fell in the fire and was burned to ashes
Shouting out the Battle Cry of Freedom
But now although the room gets chilly
We haven't the heart to poke poor Billy
Shouting out the Battle Cry of Freedom
