The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84477   Message #1559816
Posted By: Hawker
09-Sep-05 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Uk Dispatches Ch 4 TV Dyslexia
Subject: RE: BS: Uk Dispatches Ch 4 TV Dyslexia
I have always provided my children with books, read with them and stimulated looking and reading sessions since birth. Both my children have a 'learning difficulty' (which to me sounds derogatory, as they are both highly intelligent and in the middle to top groups in everything at school). The eldest has mild Aspergers Syndrome dealt with on other threads on mudcat, The youngest one is dyslexic. First there were the daily headaches, but really, it came to light as a result of her taking up the violin and she was totally unable to read the music, she said it marched about on the page and she had no idea what line or gap the note was on. After 3 eye tests at the opticians, The optician suggested that I get her tested for dyslexia, as this was a symptom. The school were most uncooperative, as she was one of the best readers in the school and way above target for her age!!! I eventually managed to have her assessed without the schools help . She has Meares-Irlen Syndrome, which comes under the dyslexia blanket. She started off with coloured overlays and progressed to coloured lenses, She has not had a headache since she started wearing her glasses, her schoolwork has improved and she passed her grade 1 violin exam, even the sight reading bit!!! - which she could not have done before at all. Dyslexic people are very clever and thus develop ways of coping by memorising , thus very often they are not diagnosed early. If as has been suggested this is all rubbish, you are gonna have to fight Amber for her glasses, 'cos she for one is NOT giving them back!
Cheers, Lucy