The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84477 Message #1559849
Posted By: JulieF
09-Sep-05 - 11:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Uk Dispatches Ch 4 TV Dyslexia
Subject: RE: BS: Uk Dispatches Ch 4 TV Dyslexia
Different for differnt people.
My daughter manged to work round it throughout school - although some of her attempts at spelling were hellish and eye spy was fun. I always thought that she didn't read enough but was told by her teachers she was reading above average.
When she got to her GCSE year suddenly all her friend she was keeping pace with forged ahead and she found it difficult to accept. Her reading and writing speeds are half of average and she struggled at A level even when she got extra time for exams in the last year. At university she is doing much better, possibly because the course is more practical. She still has problems with books that are either densly written or jump about (Can't read Terry Pratchett even though she loves the ideas) and she can't find the bit of paper she is looking for in a pile. As we are both terminally disorganised that may be herediatry.