The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16597   Message #155998
Posted By: Helen
31-Dec-99 - 01:29 AM
Thread Name: Your occupation vs. your music style
Subject: RE: Your occupation vs. your music style
Hi again,

Here's a test called the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (where *do* they get these names from?) but the score is written the same as the Myers-Briggs 4-letter type. It's pretty quick to take, and then the explanations are very interesting.

By the way I'm an ENTP (extravert, intuition, thinking, perceiving) whicht the Keirsey scoring refers to as an Inventor. I think it's pretty close towho I am.

My musical interests, I mean for playing music, not listening, are mainly Celtic music, especially O'Carolan's melodies. I love good harmonies and interesting or different melodies, and I hate repetitive tunes with a passion. Barbara Allen (don't shoot me, I'm only telling the truth *BG*) falls into that category for me.

Dada dada (high note), dada dada (low note), dada dada (high note) da da da, dada dada etc etc ad nauseum

But then if someone sings it creatively and puts in variations and lots of interesting or intricate harmonies I could love it.

Mary, I tried to connect to that site a couple of days ago and also today. It's not connecting for some reason. It used to be Barbarian's Test Page but the old site refers to the new site and won't connect from there either.

I tried Cyberia Shrink's Queendom site - she usually has lots of good tests, but I don't think she had the right/left brain one.

I did find a downloadable test for right/left brain focus in my search, but I'll have to back track to find it because my computer crashed taking my copied site link with it because I (stupidly) hadn't saved it.
