The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34928   Message #1560030
Posted By: Lighter
09-Sep-05 - 03:56 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Bless 'Em All
Subject: RE: Help: Bless 'em All
Very nice, Megan L ! When was this song sung ?

Barry, I wasn't suggesting that Fred Godfrey "stole" the melody, merely that there was an undeniable similarity of the sort that could lead someone, years after hearing it, to believe that it was "Bless 'Em All."

Have a look at Q's post from May 10, 2003, just above. The quote also appears in the 1945 first edition of the book. The bracketed words, however, are Q's.

Like him, I have always assumed that "not for publication" means "unprintably bawdy," but that may not be the case. Maybe it means "for performance in a local skit and with so many topical and personal references as to be of no interest to the public."

Such an interpretation is at least possible, though even as I write I must say it seems unlikely.

Barry, am I right in thinking that your relative has drawn a blank on the "original" version as well ?

If I ever come across another reference to the singing of "Bless 'Em All" before 1940, I promise to post it here. But I've been watching for one since 1967 !