The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84491 Message #1560536
Posted By: Ferrara
10-Sep-05 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Addio, Mia Bella Napoli (Ital & Neopol)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Addio, Mia Bella Napoli (Ital & Neopo
What a beautiful song. I'm going to keep looking for the rest of the verses, Chico, and I hope you will too.
I can see there are some spelling mistakes in the above, but can't correct thsm. It's in Italian, not Neapolitan.
If I don't post to this in the next few weeks would you please PM me and remind me. I really want to find this song, and learn it! (Right now I'm up to my ears making crafts for a wildlife art show and am trying to temporarily break myself of my Internet habit.)