The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84539   Message #1560547
Posted By: Ferrara
10-Sep-05 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: O Paese d'o sole - translation requested
Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole
2 'Sta casa piccerella,
This little tiny house,

'sta casarella mia 'ncoppo Pusilleco ,
this cottage of mine at the top of Pusilleco,

luntano, chi t''a dá?...
if I am far from here, what is there for me?

[I translated that very freely: chi t''a dá? = an idiom - means more or less, what is there of value? what's it worth? what is there for you?]

'Sta casa puverella,
this poor, modest house

tutt'addurosa 'anèpeta
all ????
se putarría pittá:
could be pitied, despised:

'A ccá nu ciardeniello sempe 'nfiore
except for a tiny garden, always in flower,

e de rimpetto 'o mare, sulo 'o mare!!!
and the view of the sea, only the sea!!!


[I seem to remember that Pusilleco is an area of tiny, crowded houses, all very old, on hills that rise steeply from the bay of Naples. - R Ferrara]