The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84539 Message #1560554
Posted By: Ferrara
10-Sep-05 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: O Paese d'o sole - translation requested
Subject: RE: O Paese d'o sole
3 Chist'è 'o paese d''o sole, This is the land of the sun,
Tutto, tutto è destino... All, all is destiny (fate) ...
Comme putevo fá furtuna a ll'estero How could I have made my fortune in a strange place
s'io voglio campá ccá? If I want to live my life here?
Mettite 'nfrisco 'o vino!... Chill the wine!
Tanto ne voglio vévere, I wouldn't want to live, so much
ca mm'aggi''a 'mbriacá...
... that I would have become a drunkard...
Dint'a sti qquatto mure io stó' cuntento: Within these four walls I am content;
mamma mme sta vicino e nénna canta: Mamma mia, stay near me and sing this lullaby: